The Kaleidoscope of Hope

The human spirit is an amazing thing. Our capacity to carry on, despite the difficult circumstances that push into our lives, that invade our space and minds and hearts, is beyond wondrous. We don’t all respond in the same way; we don’t have universal responses to tragedy and heartache, and yet we do prevail; we do persevere. It’s just that our responses are as unique as we are; individual, separate and infinitely varied.

I believe, though, that there is one common thread that weaves together our disparate responses to tragedy. I believe that ultimately what propels us forward in spite of the sadness, the grief, the heartache— is hope. Human beings have demonstrated throughout the ages - in fact, from the very beginning when the Divine Spirit hovered over the waters of chaos- that hope prevails; that there is nothing, literally No. Thing. that can prevent us from moving forward, moving on, moving up. Hope is what keeps us standing, keeps us moving, keeps us reaching for the next thing - even if it’s only our next breath. Hope is what keeps us reaching out for another hand to hold onto in the midst of rubble, another brow to wipe in the cascade of tears, another cheek to kiss in the face of unbearable loss. Hope is what keeps us alive deep inside, regardless of whatever comes our way.

Hope is intensely personal. What gives me hope is not necessarily what will spark the flame of hope in your own soul. Hope reflects our personalities, our faith, our beliefs, the very foundation of who we are and how we live our lives. Each person reflects hope in their own way, reflecting their own beautiful personalities. Hope is like a kaleidoscope, allowing us to see the world, if but for a brief moment, in a glorious riot of shifting colors, shapes, and forms.

Hope is a paradox (of course, what amazing thing isn’t?) It is indestructible, yet fragile. As a divine gift, hope is eternal. It never goes away, although we can’t always feel it or see it. It can always be found within a human heart, ready for the taking, prepared to take hold and flourish. And although hope may be indestructible, it can get lost in the clutter of a busy life and a battered heart. It can languish from neglect, it can wither and fade. If we are to keep hope alive, it needs to be nourished and encouraged, and we do this by “curating” hope in our hearts with intention.

Think of it as curating a priceless collection of fine art: choosing specific masterpieces to highlight a theme, or emphasize a beautiful display of color, or focus on the form and grace of a piece. Curating hope is the active process of doing things in order to fuel the spark of hope that lives deep within each one of us, and I believe if we encourage hope within ourselves each day, we are better equipped to withstand the storms of tragedy when they wash up into our lives. Curating hope brings our hearts and hands together into an action that helps to keep our own desire and longing for hope alive. Curating hope brings us into connection with the Divine within us, allowing the Spirit to keep those flames of hope burning bright and true.

How do we curate hope? For me - it’s the knitting needles and yarn in my hands that knit socks or hats for my grandchildren; or the fabric and thread that creates a quilt that is warm and vibrant and beautiful; these creative acts connecting me to the lives of those I love in active, deeply visceral ways. Give me some veggies and a knife, some butter and wine, and let me simmer a stew of love for my friends and family, gathering my brood together to nurture the joy of love and belonging. For my husband? Give him a beach to roam, or a trail to hike and let his mind wander free of the problems of his work-a-day world, birdsong and scented breeze a peaceful balm to his soul. For my daughters? Give them an early morning walk with their dogs, a sunny afternoon to be silly with their kids, a quiet evening to make puzzles or play games - to do anything that lets them tap into the hope of the future they are nurturing in their dining rooms and living rooms and backyards.

Curating hope is creating a space of calm within where hope can reside and flourish. Curating hope gives you a reservoir of hope and peace and love when life takes your breath away, when the heartache and tears are just too much. Doing things that bring peace; seeking places that fuel our sense of calm - all these things strengthen us within. These are the things that keep hope alive, burning bright.

Each of us has a sacred corner in our hearts for that forgotten icon of peace, that quiet memory of joy, that tiny spark hope -that if carefully tended- will ignite into a full-fledged flame. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, and it need not be for the long-haul. It is enough, sometimes, that hope renews for just a few fleeting moments - enough sometimes to simply give us the energy to take the next step into the next day.

What is your way to curate hope in your life, for each day? What are the things that make your heart light, that brings a smile to your face, peace to your soul?

If you know what it is, resolve to do it more often; resolve to seek the ways of curating hope in your soul for today, and for the many todays that flow into tomorrows.

If you don’t know what will curate hope within your soul, take some time to think what that might be; what ways you might connect your heart and hands into the action of keeping hope alive within the very depths of your being. It may be one of the most valuable things you’ve done for yourself in a very long time.

Diane FernaldComment