And today, I weep....

I’m on vacation in the tropics this week. It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood of sunshine, palm trees and neverending waves. And yet. I weep. And this won’t be a long blog post; I’ve not the heart for it, for my shame and sadness overwhelm.

Today is the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And I am undone. The stark reality of what has gone on around me, with not a word or a thought from me? I am ashamed, and brought low. It is a difficult thing to acknowledge one’s own guilt because I have looked the other way. Shrugged my shoulders and said, “It’s too big a problem. What can I do?”

Last night, God reached down and set me straight:

1.5 billion infants killed since 1973 world wide. BILLION. Far worse than any genocide in history. An infanticide beyond description.

One black infant killed in the womb for every two conceived in the United States. Far worse than the racist killings of the KKK ever. In their entire history.

We think abortion is necessary for babies conceived through rape or violence, or to preserve the health of the mother, or because of a defective child. But the reality is far worse. 93% of abortions are done on healthy mothers and healthy infants. It’s legalized killing, pure and simple.

Abortionists know they are killing children. They admit it. And yet, it is considered the better of two evils - giving a woman the right to choose.

And it’s all a matter of semantics, is it not? We advociate for “choice”, refusing to say that it’s a killing of a child for convenience. It’s a right, not the neglect of a responsibility. It’s a fetus, not an infant. We declare an infant worthy to live with fetal surgery when the mother seeks to save; but we agree it is only a fetus with no right to life if the mother decides the infant is not wanted.

It may be matter of semantics, but the truth is far more jarring. We are killing millions of infants a year.

How can i excuse my own turning away from such evil? All done in the name of women’s rights, or justice, or convenience. I acknowledge the blackness of it all, but do nothing to stop it. Or at least draw attention to it.

So I weep this day. In memorium of 1.5 billion little ones who’ve been slaughtered, for their blood is as much on my hands as on anyone’s if I’ve done nothing to change this.

And today, I will pray for forgiveness. And seek His kindness. And ask what I can do to stop the slaughter.

Diane FernaldComment