Called Into A New Season

This will be my last post in this blog, seaglass of the heart. Beginning next week, I will be starting a new blog, following the Spirit’s call into a new season. I’m excited for this new opportunity to share new ways of not only coping - but thriving in the coming months and years. But before I attend to the birth of the next, I want to honor the present— this blog that has been an embodiment of my thoughts, feelings, ideas, struggles, hopes and dreams for the past two years.

For anyone who has written a blog with any regularity (and seaglass of the heart was my second blog venture), they will know the sweat and tears and angst that go into each writing, each posting. Although writing is my passion, and my professional life has involved 25 years of writing, writing a blog that reflects what goes on deep inside one’s being is not only hard, it’s risky. (Far easier to write a legal brief!) Laying one’s soul “out there” for the blog-o-sphere to see is a bit like walking on a tight rope 200 feet in the air with no net; the journey is tenuous and scary; you hope no one can see you shaking and quivering with each step, and you just pray that you’ll reach the other side before you fall, or you scream, or you pass out from fright. Yeah. Like that.

My readers, though not numerous, have been faithful and kind. I’ve appreciated each one, and was always happy to hear from someone who resonated with the thoughts or comments that were noted in the postings. It is with some amount of sorrow that I move on, but the time has come for me to break into new ground; to try my wings in a new venture. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that once the muse (or Spirit) whispers a new vision into your soul, there’s no use arguing. There will be no peace until one acknowledges the gentle command, and obeys.

My new blog is going to be called Simply Sacred Life, and will be hosted on this same page at some point in the coming week or two. My list of subscribers will get an alert, and I’ll be sure to post the blogs on Facebook, just like I have in the past. I’m changing directions in focus, and hope that many - if not all of you - will join me in this.

Thank you for being faithful and I sincerely, truly hope I’ll be seeing you in the coming season.

Diane FernaldComment