A Week for Silence

My goal for this blog has been to post a blog per week. It’s good to have goals, to work toward something consistently and with perseverance. To push the limits and boundaries of what we do, who we are, how we live and relate and love.

But sometimes, we need a break. Sometimes, the sitting down to write just doesn’t happen because our hearts and minds are otherwise occupied. Such is my place this week. This week? It’s about the silence. The “no-sound, no words” of the time I’m in.

Sometimes, we need to invite silence into the room and give it space to bloom.

Sometimes, the quiet is filled with all manner of emotion; soundless, it fills the space nonetheless. It grows until the heart is filled with the nothingness of it. And that is a good thing, this nothingness. This quiet peace. From this place of nothingness, I rest. I learn. I see.

If I have anything to say this week, it’s this: don’t force the sound, the talk, the song, but welcome the quiet when it pushes in. Invite the quiet, the silence into your space, and enjoy its presence, the peace it brings. There are days, sometimes even weeks or months, when our hearts demand silence. And it is good to be in a soundless place, even for a few moments in time.

This week? I’m in the place of silence, and I am wrapping it around me like a warm blanket against the cold winds of winter, against the stress and darkness of this brief but quiet season. It is not a bad thing, this silence, but healing and sweet.

A week for silence. Perhaps you can join me in the silence, even if for a few moments. Be healed in the quiet. You’ll be glad you did.

Diane FernaldComment